System Solutions

With our world of experience and our comprehensive product range of systems components, laboratory devices, and modular measurement and control systems we are able to offer you the most complex systems solutions. We can quickly develop user-oriented software solutions, and our design team is capable of adapting standard systems components rapidly and efficiently to your specific needs. We can also develop complete parts of a test system according to your requirements and integrate them into the structure of systems components. Thus, cost-effective systems such as function test systems, handling systems, safety test systems, or battery test systems can be configured.

Below you will find some examples of our systems solutions. We are looking forward to receiving your inquiries and should like to ask you also include your specifications. Our sales team will contact you shortly to discuss your requirements.

Roland Kosmowski

Do you have questions about our system solutions?

Roland Kosmowski

T +49 (0)6205/3948-31

Power Circuit Breaker Test System

32000 A breaking Test

Request: Measurement of the trip- current of Power Circuit Breakers in a current range from a few 100A up to 32.000A and the documentation of the results. Measurement accuracy <1%.

Solution: Thyristor regulated power station with CV and CC mode in the ranges of 0-10VDC and 0-32.000A. Frontpanel for manual operation of all parameters for first sample inspection and adjustment tests. Interface RS485 to connect the system for automatic processing for series production test. Preparation of a user software to take the test parameter, result indication and storage of test datas. Optical display to show the graph of the individual current curve.

Datatsheet: Please Contact Factory.

Safety Test System

One connection, full test and reporting

Request: Safety Test System for electronic devices to test insulation, conducted earth resistance and isolation resist. Touch save test area and automatic test of all parameters. Indication of test results, storage of test datas based to serial numbers.

Solution: Use of the standard units EHV10/SL, EPE10 EISO10 with IEEE488 Interface. Using a standard high voltage scanner and the touch save test cabinet PHS02. Providing of a test software confirm customer request. Insertion of the devices in a 19" wheeled cabinet.

Data -Sheet: Please Contact Factory.

Battery- Test System

Battery test for F-16 Fighter batteries

Request: Multi channel system for charging and discharging of military PB and NiCd batteries ( up to 500Ah / 1.2-36VDC ) confirm published process details to test air born batteries. Feed back of discharging power into the mains system single phase.
Storage of test procedures / creating of test protocols / storage of test results.

Solution: Use of the standard components LAB/SM…/ATE to charge and ELP/… modified to feed back the energy in the mains network plus a standard control rack type MCR…Use of a HP Measurement scanner system. Construction of Battery connection boxes to connect 5 batteries up to 24 cells each. Preparation of a user software to regulate and monitor up to 30 channels at the same time.

Data -Sheet: Please Contact Factory.

Formatting System

Saving man power trough automatic test

Request: Mehrkanaliges System mit jeweils 0-600VDC und 0-2A mit manueller Voreinstellung von Strom und Spannung sowie einer Zeitsteuerung mit Vorwahl und automatischer Stop- Funktion zum formatieren von Li- Ion Knopfzellen.

Solution: Einsatz des Standardgeräte LAB/SM2600 mit spezifisch erzeugter Zeitsteuereinheit. Konstruktion des Anschlussfeldes. Einbau in von jeweils 10 Kanälen in Schaltschrank 19" x 34HE

Data -Sheet: Please Contact Factory.

Trickle charger for air fighters

Live test for automotive connectors

Request: Provide a multi channel system to allow in manual mode the charge self discharge energy in stock areas of specific air borne military batteries, Acid, sealed Acid and NiCd.

Solution: Using our know how in the area power solution and design a total custom design with 3 switches to select the chemical of the battery, chose the number of cells and the capacity. A internal µ-controller provides the charge vallues at the connection points.

Data -Sheet: Please Contact Factory.

Special System AC/DC

Easy test station for high school experiments

Request: Different systems with manual mode for DC and AC voltages 3 x 0- 400VAC and 0 - 250VDC with each 10A. Indication of all system values on a multifunction LED indication.

Solution: Usage of the standard components DC source LAB/SM…. and motor driven AC source EAC/MT/3P….. . Construction of the multi function LED indicator and the connection terminal in a standard 19" cabinet.

Data -Sheet: Please Contact Factory.